International Society for Dermatologic Imaging

Digital imaging is increasingly becoming a powerful tool that is transforming the specialty of dermatology by integrating patient and practice management. The prime objective of the international society for dermatologic imaging is to provide necessary information regarding fundamentals of digital imaging and the selection of appropriate digital cameras.
Please also visit our official website;

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Practice guidelines for teledermatology

Practice guidelines for teledermatology from American Telemedicine Association.
Another great source of information for our members and readers (suggested by Gerald Gabler).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


A wonderful article on dermoscopy from eMedicine

Three dimensional skin imaging

Three-dimensional Skin Imaging Using the Combination of ReflectedConfocal and Multiphoton Microscopy

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dermatology and Technology

Click on the above logo to read an excellent article on digital photography from eMedicine.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Digital cameras suitable for dermatologic imaging

Please click this image to find a list of digital cameras suitable for dermatologic imaging and store and forward teledermatology.(Courtesy of the Community for Teledermatology)

Membership is open to dermatologists, dermatology residents, and medical students

Applicants who wish to become member of the International Society for Dermatologic Imaging should be involved in skin imaging techniques for at least one year.
To become a member of the International Society for Dermatologic Imaging, please send a written application to  Dr. Shahbaz A. Janjua, MD.  There is no membership fee.  All members will be sent membership certificates and their names will be displayed on the blog.